Proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30

Proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30

IEC 60068-2-30
IEC 60068-2-38

The proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30, cyclic, is used for comparative measurement of moisture condensation in defined climate profiles and their deviations according to IEC 60068-2-30 and IEC 60068-2-38 in the current version. For informative references on the procedure, see also IEC 60068-3-11 in the current version.

Climate chambers are essential tools in environmental simulation to test products and materials under realistic environmental conditions. They enable controlled temperature changes and simulate extreme conditions of heat and cold to which products may be exposed during their life cycle.

By participating proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30, you will gain important insights into the competence of your laboratory in the field of vibration and oscillation testing.


  • IEC 60068-2-30 Environmental testing – Part 2-30: Test methods – Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycles)
  • IEC 60068-2-38 Environmental testing – Part 2-38: Test methods – Test Z/AD: Composite test, temperature/humidity, cyclic

Technical data

  • Weight: approx. 1kg
  • Dimension (width x length x height): approx. 100mm x 100mm x 300mm

Test specimen proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30
Test specimen proficiency test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30
Test specimen ring test temperature-humidity IEC 60068-2-30

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Further proficiency tests

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